Interim and Project management
We support your company during the execution of improvement and optimization projects with very experienced experts, project managers and executives as interim and project managers. Very often companies are missing the Know-how or the managers are simply overloaded to implement critical change projects. We provide the resources required to bridge unexpected leadership shortages and vacancies.
Our managers are characterised by the following competencies:
- Strong communication skills at all levels
- High methodical and technical skills, especially project management
- Experience and authenticity
- Passion and enthusiasm
- Management and implementation skills
- Social skills: team player, motivating, fair
- Commitment, honesty, reliability and flexibility
It is not only enough to know, it is equally important to apply!
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Interim- and Projectmanagement requires in-depth Know-how in order to immediately implement company-specific change or improvement projects and activities. PACT supports you in your business to meet your very high requirements with our highly qualified and results driven Interim and Project Managers. Of course entrepreneurship, integrity and flexibility are high values to us.

Just call us, we will be happy to support you...